Thursday, September 20, 2007


Over the past decade, the refinement of open rhinoplasty as advocated by our Dallas Rhinoplasty Symposium has not only revolutionized the thinking of nasal surgery but also the approach to the management of rhinoplasty patients worldwide. NO LONGER IS A ROUTINE RHINOPLASTY DONE IN A CLOSED MANNER IN WHICH ONE BLINDLY MANIPULATES THE UNDERLINING STRUCTURE WITHOUT DIRECTLY VISUALIZING THEM.

Rhinoplasty is the most difficult operation in cosmetic surgery as it is a surgery of millimeters so precision is essential for a successful and reproducible results rhinoplasty. The quantum leap in this approach and how patients are analyzed in rhinoplasty has established an era where upon open rhinoplasty is done with a small (6mm) incision in the columella, that allows you to look at the deformity and see what the problem is and correct it accordingly. This along with properly analyzing the nose before surgery allows you to have an individualized approach to rhinoplasty which delivers consistent reproducible results. The true HALLMARK OF MODERN RHINOPLASTY is an unoperated natural nose that matches and is in harmony with your face.

1 comment:

Aarushi Singh said...

Great Post, This is a very attractive and amazing post regarding Open Rhinoplasty.Thank you for sharing such a useful post.
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