Thursday, September 20, 2007


Facial aging is different in everyone thus; we should not perform the same facelift surgery on everyone. All faces and facelifts are not created equally. Therefore, there is not a facelift for ALL REASONS AND ALL SEASONS.

In traditional facelifts the same facelift technique is performed for most patients. Today in order to obtain the natural youthful look, the surgeon should TAILOR A FACELIFT to the PATIENT’S INDIVIDUAL and UNIQUE FACIAL SHAPE. Everyone has unique features such as a long and short side of their face as well as a wide and narrow side to their cheek area. This should be recognized and discussed with the patient so one can INDIVIDUALIZE FACELIFT SURGERY FOR A NATURAL UNOPERATED YOUTHFUL APPEARANCE.

This individualized approach is discussed at length with each patient preoperatively allowing the opportunity for the patient to participate, via computer imaging, in how their facial shape can be improved or restored. GONE ARE THE DAYS OF PERFORMING THE GENERIC/SAME FACELIFT FOR ALL PATIENTS WHICH IN THE PAST HAS BEEN WIDELY USED, COAST TO COAST RESULTING IN A “WINDSWEPT” OPERATIVE LOOK. Today, similar to what occurred in rhinoplasty over a decade ago; the unoperative natural look is what patients’ desire and should be our goal as Plastic Surgeons. The modern facelift surgery is performed based upon the patient’s individual preop analysis. Each part of our face ages differently and what we need to do to RESHAPE AND REFILL the patient’s facial areas for a youthful unoperated look. The deep layer is called the SMAS which is reshaped and suspended to add longevity to a facelift. This technique helps to suspend the different fat layers as well so one can not only LIFT BUT ALSO FILL with fat augmentations as needed to resuspend the fat layers of the face. This further rejuvenates the face in a youthful manner. This NEW TECHNIQUE HAS LAUNCHED A FACELIFT REVOLUTION THAT WILL ALTER HOW WE PERFORM FACELIFTS TODAY.

1 comment:

Blogger said...

Sick and tired of wrinkled skin?
The ChinUp Mask uses advanced technology to offer you all the benefits of a surgical facelift without the expense of lengthy medical procedures.