Thursday, September 20, 2007


The goal of cosmetic facial surgery today has changed. TODAY OUR PATIENTS WANT MAXIMAL RESULTS AND SIMPLE TO MINIMAL RECOVERY. However, true facial rejuvenation and facelifts is real surgery that is performed by real surgeons in real operating rooms.

THERE ARE MANY NEW PROCEDURES THAT ARE TOUTED AS BEING FACELIFTS OR REPLACEMENT FOR FACELIFTS THAT ARE NOT FACELIFTS AT ALL. Specifically, they do not have the longevity of a true facelift which is between 7 and 10 years. Many facelifts today are skin lifts only while it is well known that deeper layer lifting and repositioning of the deep layers and filling gives you the longevity that is desired. Facelifts that promise a short recovery (2-3 days) will also have a very short lifespan (3-6 months). This is true of many different franchise type facelifts that are being marketed all around the United States. These minimally invasive lifts are in essence a skin pull and often lead to a distorted facial appearance. THE OPTIMAL FACELIFT PROCEDURE IS ONE THAT INCORPORATES LIFTING BOTH SUPERFICIAL AND DEEP LAYERS AND FILLING TO REPLACE LOSS FACIAL VOLUME TO REJUVENATE THE FACE. These techniques give the patient a more natural, youthful appearance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Facial exercise increase well and effective strength of cells. That make free and routable to mass chip of face. Information make it well and exciting for better implements.
facial surgery